AGREEMENT For Editorial Services This agreement is between Karla Diaz (“Editor”) and [name] (“Client”) and concerns the following:
Working title:
Manuscript length:
Description of the manuscript:
The Editor agrees to do the following on the manuscript: [services]. The Editor will provide a digital critique and analysis of the project and a [time-frame] coaching call per submission. The Editor is available to answer questions via email. The Editor will address these primary editing focuses:
The Client agrees to submit all work in the following format:
Word document
12-point font size
Times New Roman, Calibri, or similar font style
1-inch margins (default margins)
If you have formatting issues, please get in touch with the Editor for assistance. This format is necessary because it allows the Editor to focus on the content of the work instead of correcting formatting issues that may make the job difficult to read.
Work and feedback will be exchanged via [method] per the schedule below. [schedule]
Any subsequent manuscript editing will be subject to a new contract and agreement.
The agreed-upon editorial fee is $[price] USD, to be paid by the Client to the Editor in the following manner: [payment plan] Payment is to be exchanged through [method].
The Editor will keep all materials related to the project confidential. Work the Client provides will not be shared, distributed, or plagiarized in any way.
The Editor will make the best effort to advise and suggest changes to improve the manuscript. The Client has the final decision in accepting or rejecting the Editor’s suggestions. The Client also understands that the acceptance of a manuscript for publication is the subjective decision of a publisher and its editors. The Editor cannot guarantee the manuscript's success beyond an editorial scope. The Editor cannot guarantee publication by a publishing company or a certain level of sales.
Either party may terminate this agreement in case of a material change of circumstances, with seven days’ notice sent in writing to the other party via email. If the Editor terminates the agreement, the Editor will retain money for work paid and refund any excess. If the Client terminates the agreement, the Editor retains all money paid, and a refund will not be issued.
This contract may be changed only by written agreement between the Editor and the Client and constitutes new signatures from both parties.
By signing, you agree to the terms stated in this document on [date].
X___________________________________ ___________ Client Date
X___________________________________ ___________ Editor Date